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I teach the following courses at OISE:


Please see more information about quantitative methods training in the LHAE department

LHA1006 (formerly LHA5014)

Introduction to Statistics for Educational Research [RM] (Fall)


Intermediate Statistics in Educational Research: Multiple Regression Analysis [RM] (Winter)

JOI3049 (formerly LHA6005)

Multilevel and Longitudinal Modelling [RM]


Research Literacy in Educational Leadership and Policy


Global Educational Equity and Quantitative Policy Research (formerly Educational Equity and Excellence in International Comparison)

Information for Potential Students

I am currently recruiting masters and doctoral students interested in using quantitative methods to study educational inequality, policy and/or international comparisons in K-12 school systems. (Please simply apply to the program in Educational Leadership & Policy within the department of Leadership, Higher & Adult Education, and mention my name in your application.)

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